
Back To The Scene of the Crime: Breaking Unfruitful Patterns by Bringing Hidden Things to Light

This Self-Help book walks you through one Woman's Journey and pattern of low self-worth, low self-esteem, and unhealthy relationships to acknowledging her need to heal and be set free from unforgiveness, bitterness, rejection, compromise and fear.

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Grace FULL Seasons Anthology: Stories of Triumph, Victory And God's Faithfulness Through the Seasons of Life

In Everything there is a Season. Whether your current place in life is indicative of the Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall Seasons, never forget that God walks with us through them all.

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E-BOOK: Grace FULL Seasons Anthology: Stories of Triumph, Victory And God's Faithfulness Through the Seasons of Life

In Everything there is a Season. Whether your current place in life is indicative of the Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall Seasons, never forget that God walks with us through them all.

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Reflections Journal

Similar to Meditation, the act of Reflection through Journaling is a form of Self Care and Devotions or spending time in God's presence.

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